Presentation Synopsis: William Wordsworth in The Context of The Medium is The Massage

William Wordsworth, ARTSTOR "The eye—it cannot choose but see; we cannot bid the ear be still; our bodies feel, where'er they be, against or with our will.“ —Wordsworth William Wordsworth was an English poet who lived from 1770 to 1850. He had a deep appreciation for the act of walking and observing nature. Solitude in the outdoors was a major source of poetic inspiration for him—especially because it gave him space to mentally explore. These spaces of solitude were so important to Wordsworth that after he became famous, the locations he wrote about became tourist attractions. Somewhat ironically, his desire for solitude in natural spaces became points of international attention due to his widespread poetry (which was able to happen because of printing technology). This individual writer was able to reach thousands of people and impact physical spaces all because his works and their ability to be spread via technology. Now, what even is the connection between Wordsworth ...